Rules of Engagement Read online

Page 7

If they’d been alone, Chavez would’ve pulled Lenny into his arms. That smile was so damn irresistible, making Chavez’s heart do somersaults. He’d never met anyone who made him feel that way.

  “I love The Diner Train. The food is never disappointing,” Lenny said before he began to eat, oblivious to how his simple smile destroyed Chavez.

  Trying not to molest his mate while others were in the room, Chavez looked toward the patio door and saw Cujo staring in at them. His tongue wasn’t dangling from his mouth. If Chavez wasn’t mistaken, or insane, the dog was looking at them with concern in his brown eyes.

  When their gazes locked, Thor padded away.

  Chavez put the dog from his mind when Reno and Nelson joined them.

  Nelson licked his fingers. “This food is amazing,” he said. “I’m gonna marry the cook. These mashed potatoes have to be homemade.”

  “All the food is made from scratch,” Lenny said, singing the cook’s praise. “But he already has a mate. Sorry, Nelson.”

  Nelson pressed his hand against his chest. “I’m so devastated. Crush my dreams of having an amazing cook as my boyfriend.”

  Lenny chuckled, and so did everyone else. It was the best meal in the house so far, and that included the company. Chavez had missed his teammates. They’d been through a lot and were like family to him.

  He would hate when they had to leave. He had a bond with Reno and Nelson, and even Korby. The four of them had been through a lot together, and it had been hard to walk away from them.

  But the body count had gotten too high for Chavez. That was why he’d gotten into the bodyguard business. It was a slower pace, no secret ops where people died, even if some of the scum had deserved it.

  Chavez felt like his soul was finally healing, because those missions had always taken a part of him. And now he had Lenny—the best part of him—sitting right next to him getting to know Chavez’s family.

  Reno looked over his shoulder. “What exactly is Korby doing out there? I mean, besides perimeter watch? He’s not acting his usual self.”

  “He seems preoccupied,” Nelson said. “By now he should’ve been bellyaching about being outside for so long.”

  They’d spoken along the lines that Chavez had been thinking, but he had to account for the fact that he hadn’t seen Korby in a while and had no idea what was going on in the guy’s life.

  “I’ll relieve him,” Chavez volunteered, but Nelson shook his head.

  “Nah, I’ll do it. I could use the fresh air, and I need to let my wolf out.” He chucked a thumb at the door. “But that big son of a bitch has to go. Have any of you ever seen such a big dog before?”

  “Be nice,” Lenny argued. “He’s a sweet and lovable dog.”

  Chavez knew his mate would defend Thor, but Nelson was right. Thor was larger than any dog he’d ever seen, and that bothered him. Something just didn’t seem right about the mutt, and he still wasn’t comfortable with Lenny being around him.

  “I’ll ask him to go for the night,” Lenny said.

  “You’ll ask him?” Reno furrowed his brows.

  “He’s very intelligent,” Lenny replied. “I fed him earlier.” Lenny looked at Chavez. “Sorry. He came into the house, and I gave him the breakfast leftovers. I told him when he was done to go back outside, and he did. Thor is so smart.”

  Chavez, Nelson, and Reno looked at one another. Chavez got up. “Babe, can you go upstairs?”

  Lenny looked puzzled. “Why?”

  “It’s just a hunch I have,” Chavez said. “So please don’t argue. Just go upstairs.”

  The only reason he wanted Lenny to leave was because his mate would’ve defended Thor and right now Chavez needed to hash out his thoughts. Clearly his teammates did, as well. He didn’t want Lenny arguing the whole time they were talking.

  Lenny looked as if he wanted to argue, but slowly got up and took his food with him. Before he disappeared from the den, he said, “Don’t you dare hurt Thor.”

  If that was even possible.

  “Shifter?” Reno asked when Lenny was gone.

  Chavez shook his head. “That’s what I thought, but I sniffed him and he doesn’t smell like a shifter.”

  “There’s definitely something off about him,” Nelson said. “I’ve had a strange feeling in my gut since that dog showed up.”

  Reno and Nelson had been gone most of the day, but they’d seen Thor before they’d left. Chavez was confident in his teammates’ gut feelings, and trusted his own, too.

  They strode to the patio door and went outside, but Thor was nowhere to be found. Korby wasn’t there, either. But that wasn’t unusual. Korby was more than likely in his wolf form walking the perimeter.

  “We need to get to the bottom of this,” Chavez said as he scanned the backyard. The sun was slowly setting, giving off beautiful rays across the trees. The view was breathtaking, and Chavez was glad he’d decided to call this place his home.

  He just had to figure out what was going on with Thor, why Korby wasn’t acting himself, and where in the fuck Trails was.

  * * * *

  Lenny stood by the bedroom window, wishing the room was furnished so he could sit in a chair and watch for Thor’s return. There was just something about that dog that made Lenny want to give him a good home and love him.

  None of the other guys liked Thor. Lenny guessed he could understand why. Thor truly was big and intimidating, but not to him. For Lenny, Thor was a big cuddle bunny with an even bigger heart.

  Chavez walked up behind him and curled his hands around Lenny’s biceps, resting his chin on Lenny’s head. He took comfort in his mate’s body pressed so close to his.

  The heat of his skin against Lenny’s.

  The intensely masculine scent.

  The love that swelled Lenny’s heart knowing Chavez was his.

  Lenny no longer felt unworthy of being his mate. Chavez never let him feel that way. Chavez showered Lenny with kisses, compliments, and made him feel wanted.

  At times Lenny felt like he was walking in a dream, that none of this was real, and that he’d wake up to find himself alone again in his apartment. He’d never known how lonely he was until he’d met Chavez and the guy had become an integral part of Lenny’s life.

  Now he couldn’t imagine Chavez not being there.

  “So why was I sent to my room?” Lenny leaned into his hard, muscled body, which started an ache in his own. Lenny was a young virile male, but lately, before Chavez, his sex drive hadn’t been at its peak. Lenny had been too worried about his cousin, too worried about paying bills, too worried about…everything.

  Stress could suck the fun out of life.

  “There’s something off about Thor.” Chavez’s hands gripped Lenny’s arms as if he were trying to stop Lenny from turning and giving him an earful. But he didn’t. Instead Lenny thought about Chavez’s statement.

  “How so?”

  “That’s what the fellas and I are trying to figure out. Thor is a little too intelligent, novio. In our world, that could mean something. We just want to make sure he’s not a threat.”

  A small chuckle erupted from Lenny. “His size is already a threat to you guys.”

  “No it’s not,” Chavez said a little too quickly. “No mere dog frightens me.”

  There was pride in his voice, the need to show that he had plenty of machismo. Chavez didn’t need to prove that to him. Lenny already knew how strong and fierce he was. A true warrior.

  Unable to help himself, Lenny said, “Admit it. He has you shaking in your wolf boots.”

  Chavez made a noise in the back of his throat but didn’t say anything else. The silence made Lenny stare out the window again, giving the backyard his full attention.

  “You seem tense.” Chavez pressed his fingers against Lenny’s shoulders and began to slowly massage them. “I know a lot of shit is going on, but we have to remember to take moments to enjoy.”

  Lenny let out a low moan. “I’m enjoying the moment right now.”

  Chavez was trying to ease the tension in Lenny’s shoulders, but Lenny’s cock was perking right up.

  His mate’s hands worked their way down Lenny’s body until he was massaging Lenny’s dick through his jeans. His fingers moved up and down, stroking him, but it wasn’t enough.

  Lenny arched his back and slid his hands around Chavez’s neck, groaning as he ground his erection into his mate’s hand.

  “Still enjoying the moment?” Chavez nipped the lobe of Lenny’s ear.

  “I’d enjoy it even better if you took my dick out and played with it.”

  Chavez’s dark, low chuckle sent ripples of pleasure through Lenny. His body was jerking slightly from need as Chavez unfastened Lenny’s pants.

  “Like this?” Chavez shoved his hand down the front and curled his beefy hand around Lenny’s cock.

  “Oh my god! Yes.” Lenny was completely lost, hanging onto Chavez for dear life as he felt his orgasm cresting.

  Chavez let Lenny’s cock go long enough to spit on his hand, and then it was back, working magic.

  He spun and released Chavez’s beast, dropping to his knees so he could suck his mate’s cock down his throat. Chavez grunted, grabbing Lenny’s hair as he thrust his hips.

  And Lenny took it all, relaxing his throat muscles so he could enjoy every last inch.

  “Close, novio.” Chavez punched his hips faster, driving his cock deeper. For a second Lenny didn’t think he would last much longer. His jaw was sore from stretching his mouth so wide.

  Then Chavez came, groaning Lenny’s name as his spunk shot out in spurts down his throat.

  Lenny rocked back on his heels, licking his lips, and then rose so Chavez could finish jerking him off. When Chavez used the remaining cum from his release to wet his hand, Lenny nearly came right there.

  “Turn, love.” Chavez spun Lenny, making him look back out the window as he stroked him to completion. Lenny shattered, crying out Chavez’s name as he decorated the window with his climax.

  “Best shoulder massage ever,” Lenny panted.

  It was dark out, and the moon was hidden behind thick clouds, but Lenny spotted movement down below. He struggled to make out the forms, then he recognized one of them as Thor.

  “Do you see that?” he whispered as he put his cock away and fixed his pants. “Who’s that with Thor?”

  The bedroom was bathed in darkness. Lenny had a weird thing about turning on lights at night without any window dressing. He felt like the entire world, some serial killers, or robbers could be standing down below, watching his every move.

  Although he was part wolf, he didn’t have their keen eyesight. Unless he went downstairs or the clouds drifted on, he wouldn’t be able to make out who the person was.

  “That’s Korby,” Chavez said. “He’s talking to Thor.”

  That didn’t seem unusual. People talked to animals all the time. Not that he would tell anyone, but Lenny even said hello to squirrels and birds.

  He just steered clear of skunks, raccoons, and possums. Skunks for obvious reasons, raccoons were mean as hell, and possums just freaked Lenny out with their albino coloring and red eyes.

  “Stay right here.” Chavez hurried from the room.

  Lenny pressed himself against the wall on the side of the window so Korby or Thor didn’t see him. They took off before Chavez appeared outside.

  After opening the window, Lenny pointed toward the woods. “They went that way.”

  Christ, why did this have to happen? Lenny had wanted to cuddle with Chavez after that mind-blowing orgasm, not hang out a window and give his mate directions to chase a man and a dog down.

  They really needed to get a bed, because Lenny was exhausted and wasn’t looking forward to sleeping on the floor again.

  Reno and Nelson appeared in the backyard. Lenny pointed and hollered the same thing he’d told Chavez.

  What in the blue blazes was going on? Was Thor really something more? Lenny didn’t want to believe that. He wanted Thor as his pet, but if he wasn’t really a dog…shit.

  He rushed downstairs and looked out the patio door, not daring to go outside. Something behind Lenny clicked. He turned and held his breath as he gazed at the entrance to the den.

  Seconds later Thor appeared, his legs set apart, his ears pinned back.

  Lenny’s heart thundered as he licked his dry lips. “Good boy?”

  Chapter Eight

  Chavez’s first instinct was to throw Korby against the tree and grill him, but technically his teammate and friend hadn’t done anything wrong except talk to a dog and take a walk in the woods with him.

  Even so, he couldn’t dismiss his gut feeling that something was off. He couldn’t shake that feeling no matter how hard he tried to convince himself that Korby was a part of their team, had been for a long time. That the guy could be trusted, was trusted with their very lives more than once, and he’d never done anything to arouse their suspicion.

  Korby was already walking back to the house when Chavez spotted him. The guy’s eyes widened. “What’re you doing out here? I thought you were upstairs with your mate.”

  “Just taking a walk.” His excuse might’ve worked if Reno and Nelson hadn’t joined him.

  “All of you?” Korby’s eyes tightened, and then his eyelids lowered to slits. “What’s really going on?”

  For a long, tense moment, Chavez, Nelson, and Reno remained quiet, like they were having a standoff.

  “Didn’t see you.” Reno shrugged in that laidback manner of his. “Thought we ought to find out what was going on. You’re safe, all is good.”

  That was the most bullshit story Chavez had ever heard, and from the mistrust in Korby’s eyes, he thought so, too. In reality, Chavez wanted to grab the guy by his throat and force him to tell them what he was really doing out there.

  “Where’s Thor?” Nelson asked as he looked around.

  How had Chavez not realized the mountain-sized dog was gone? That should’ve been the first thing he noticed. If he thought something strange was going on with Korby, that was nothing compared to the ominous vibe he got from Thor.

  Korby shrugged. “I took a walk, and the mutt followed me. When we reached the woods, he took off.”

  That story was filled with so many holes that Chavez could drive a truck through it. He spun and moved swiftly back toward the house. The patio door was wide open, making Chavez’s heart tie up into knots.

  If that beast had done anything to Chavez’s mate, he would skin the bastard from snout to tail. Reno was right behind him, but Chavez noticed that Nelson wasn’t.

  Good call to stay with Korby. That was what Chavez would’ve done if the roles were reversed.

  “Oh my god!” Lenny shouted. Chavez put on a burst of speed and raced toward their bedroom. When he entered, he found Lenny sitting on his ass, his legs crossed as Thor’s long, nasty tongue licked the side of Lenny’s face. “That’s so gross!”

  Thor whipped his head around as a deep, thundering growl vibrated in his chest. When he saw it was them, he sat on his haunches and his tongue dangled from the side of his mouth.

  “I just can’t quite put my finger on it,” Reno said in a low voice.

  “Me, either.” Chavez snapped his fingers and pointed toward the door. “Thor. Out.”

  “He was keeping me company,” Lenny complained. Thor rolled onto his back, showing his belly, but Chavez wasn’t fooled by the puppy-like behavior. He once again thought that there was too much intelligence in the dog’s eyes.

  Thor got to his feet and padded away when Nelson and Korby joined them. “What’s wrong?” Korby asked.

  “Out.” Chavez waved them away from his bedroom. He was irritated as fuck that he hadn’t caught Korby doing anything sinister. At least then he would know where his friend stood. This guessing shit was frustrating.

  “Don’t be mad at Thor,” Lenny said.

  Chavez had to count to ten. He was sick and tired of that dog. He’d prefer ten annoying ankle biters over one Th
or. “And I told you I had a gut feeling there was something off about that dog, novio. He could’ve hurt you while I was gone. You don’t know anything about him.”

  “It’s not like I snuck him into the house,” Lenny defended. He closed the door and turned toward Chavez, his voice now lowered. “I’m starting to get a bit freaked out by him, but he keeps finding ways to come back inside. What do you want me to do, shoot him?”

  “No.” Chavez shook his head. “But we have to find a way to get rid of him. It’s strange that he shows up out of the blue, when we’re hiding from Trails.”

  “You think the bad guy has something to do with Thor?” Lenny paled. “I never thought of that.”

  Chavez’s head snapped toward the door when he heard gunfire and the deep, loud bark from Thor. That ominous feeling grew in the pit of Chavez’s stomach.

  “Stay right here.” Chavez swung the door open and paused. He didn’t want to leave his mate alone, but he had to find out what was going on. He turned back around and pointed at the closet. “Get in there.”

  He was relieved when Lenny didn’t argue with him. His mate had a tendency to be stubborn at the wrong moments, but this wasn’t one of them. As soon as Lenny was tucked away, Chavez took off.

  The den was in total chaos. Nelson was lying on the floor with a head wound, and Reno was tussling with Korby. Thor was by the patio door snarling, his ears pinned back.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Chavez shouted. Both men were his longtime friends, but he stormed across the room, ready to pull the men apart. But Thor snapped his jaws, moving closer, as if warning Chavez to stay out of it.

  Since it looked like Reno had the upper hand, Chavez hurried over to Nelson. His head was bleeding like crazy. “Come on, Keith.” Chavez shook him. “Shift for me.”

  Chavez glanced to where the fighting was still taking place. Both men had shifted into their wolf forms and were trying to tear each other apart. The only way he could tell them apart was because Reno had a white patch on his front paw. Thor still stood there, his teeth bared, his stance ready for battle.

  That fucking dog was gonna die tonight if he attacked anyone. Chavez put his focus back on Nelson. “Shift for me.”


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