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Holding Tight [The Exiled 4] (Siren Publishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection) Page 2
Holding Tight [The Exiled 4] (Siren Publishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection) Read online
Page 2
“No!” Kyle said a little too quickly and loudly. “I don’t even know anyone in town.” He gave a nervous laugh. “Why would someone be after little old me?”
Nikoli grabbed the man’s arm, and Kyle flinched. “No one reacts that way to a simple touch, Kyle.” His voice had grown soft as he tried to convey to his mate that he wasn’t going to harm him. “You can talk to me. I promise you that no one is going to hurt you, little one.”
“Don’t call me that,” Kyle snapped as he jerked his arm free. “Just because you’re built like a bull and I’m not doesn’t give you the right to poke fun at me.”
“I wasn’t saying it in a derogatory way,” Nikoli said heatedly, losing his patience once again. “It was an endearment.”
“Are you always this hot and cold?” Kyle asked. “Or do you have a split personality?”
“Fine, don’t tell me what’s going on, but you’re not taking off.” They were at the edge of the woods. Nikoli could see the long stretch of road on either side of him. A semi whizzed past, kicking up some dust and making the grass bend in the breeze.
They were too exposed. Nikoli didn’t like standing out in the open with his mate, especially since he sensed trouble was on Kyle’s heels.
“Okay.” Kyle held up his hands as he backed away. “I’ll go back to Zeus’s. Happy?”
“You’re not walking back.” Nikoli waited until his mate gave him his back and then grabbed Kyle around his waist and took flight before the man could protest.
“Holy shit!” Kyle clutched at Nikoli’s arms. “We’re in the air. We’re in the fucking air!”
It didn’t take long to make it back to Zeus’s, and by the time they landed, Kyle had his arms out and was acting as if he was flying solo. “That was so freaking cool! Can we do that again?”
Nikoli’s heart swelled at the sound of his zaterio’s laughter. It was good to know that the impala didn’t have just one mode. The man’s face was flushed and he was grinning widely as he spun to look at Nikoli. “Seriously, can we do that again?”
“I try not to fly that often. It tends to make humans nervous when they see a man soaring through the air.” Taking a chance that Kyle wouldn’t pull away, Nikoli grabbed his zaterio’s hand and led him back inside.
His mate allowed him. And Kyle thought Nikoli was the one who was hot and cold? The guy had him beat hands down.
Chapter Two
While he still had a hold of Kyle’s hand, Nikoli tugged, pulling his zaterio close. He captured Kyle’s lips, plunging his tongue inside the shorter man’s mouth. The taste of Kyle’s lips set his blood on fire, and Nikoli knew there would be no other man for him as his mate moaned.
Kyle pulled back, his chest rising and falling so quickly he should’ve passed out. His tongue slid over his bottom lip as he gazed up at Nikoli. “You shouldn’t have done that.”
“You didn’t seem to mind.” Nikoli brushed the pads of his fingers over Kyle’s cheek. “In fact, you moaned once or twice.”
“Once,” Kyle said. “And it’s a normal reaction.”
“It was a hot-as-hell reaction.” Pulling Kyle closer, Nikoli squeezed the man’s nicely rounded ass. Kyle shoved him away and took a few steps to the right, putting distance between them.
“I agreed to come back here, not get fondled by you.”
Nikoli had no idea what the man’s problem was, but Kyle wasn’t the only one dealing with something. The longer a winged beast went without his zaterio, the more his emotions drained from him. Now that he’d found Kyle, Nikoli was dealing with a broken dam of emotions. They were all coming at him at once—joy, laughter, happiness, confusion, anger, and a whole host of other feelings. He stood there sweating, his body tight from the mating heat that had roared to life.
Nikoli walked across the kitchen, trying to reel his shit in. The temptation to spread Kyle out on the island was too great. He ground his teeth and fought against his urges as sweat trickled down his back. The room had gotten way too hot, or maybe that was just him.
“Why are you so flushed?” Kyle asked.
“The mating heat.” Nikoli balled his hands into fists. “If I don’t claim you in two days, I’ll go mad.” No sense beating around the bush.
“Two days?” Kyle’s voice had risen.
Nikoli cut a glance at his zaterio to see Kyle staring at him wide-eyed. “Yes, two damn days.”
Rolling his shoulders, Nikoli needed to get away from the impala. Being this close made those sexual images pop back into his head. Nikoli groaned as he ground the palms of his hands into his eyes. Would someone just shoot him now and put him out of his misery?
“I-I know how important mates are,” Kyle said. “It’s not like I’m unaffected in all of this. I feel the connection between us.”
“Then why are you fighting me on this?” Nikoli really wanted to know. He hated that Kyle felt as if he couldn’t trust him. “Anything you need, I’ll help you with. You just have to tell me what’s going on.”
Kyle swallowed as he looked down at the floor. He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I want to tell you, but it’s too painful and embarrassing. I hate even thinking about it. All I want is for the memories to go away.”
“Why don’t we take a walk?” Nikoli suggested. “The woods are a calming place, and I swear I won’t pressure you. Talk when you feel like it.”
Besides, Nikoli needed fresh air. He felt as if he couldn’t breathe in the kitchen.
“That sounds okay.” Kyle opened the back door and stepped out.
Taking in a deep breath, Nikoli joined him. He hadn’t been lying. As soon as they entered the woods, Nikoli’s nerves settled. Peace washed through him with every step. No place would be as amazing as Zanthar—the kingdom the winged beasts had been exiled from—but the woods gave him a sense of belonging that he never felt anywhere else.
They walked a quarter of a mile without saying a single word. Kyle brushed his hand along the foliage as Nikoli stole glances at his mate, waiting for the impala to say something.
“So I take it that whole mess with Morgan and Renato was cleared up? It’s not like I get daily reports here. In fact, I was pretty much kept in the dark.”
“The demon was beheaded.”
Kyle paused and gaped at Nikoli. “There was a demon involved?” He stroked his hand over the side of his neck. “I’m kinda glad I missed all the action. Hellhounds, demons, and winged beasts. It’s like a soup of craziness and evil.”
“Hey.” Nikoli nudged Kyle with his arm. “Winged beats aren’t evil.”
Kyle had a look on his face that said Nikoli’s opinion was yet to be determined. “Before meeting Dog at The Lucky Clover, I’d never met a winged beast in my life. I’m still not exactly sure what you are.”
“That’s simple enough. We’re vampires with wings.”
A frown surfaced as Kyle glanced behind Nikola. “Funny, I don’t see any wings. Are you sure the high altitude didn’t deprive your brain of oxygen? I’m starting to think you’re not playing with a full set of marbles.”
Nikoli laughed. “I have all my marbles, little one.”
“Stop calling me that.”
Ignoring Kyle’s irritation, Nikoli continued. “Only other winged beasts and my zaterio can see them.”
“Ha! I busted you in a lie. You said I was your mate.” Kyle looked downright pleased with himself. That twisted Nikoli’s gut. His mate’s smugness only drove home the fact that Kyle was, once again, rejecting him.
Nikoli backed Kyle against a tree, baring his fangs. “When I fuck that tight little ass until you can’t see straight, then my wings will appear to you.”
Raw fear surfaced in Kyle’s baby blues. Nikoli inwardly cursed as he backed away. He didn’t want his mate to fear him. He wanted Kyle to trust him. With the way he’d just acted, fat chance of that happening anytime soon. “My apologies if I’ve frightened you.”
Nikoli was dealing with a variety of emotions and the all-consuming mating heat. It was a w
onder he was even sane right now. He sure as hell didn’t feel sane. Not when he had Kyle’s slim body so close that he could smell the man’s sweet scent. His cock became semi-hard as he scented the air, his beast threatening to emerge.
“I’m heading back to the house,” Kyle said, as if sensing Nikoli’s desperate need. He used a wide berth to cut around Nikoli. Once he was clear, he walked quickly down the path.
Nikoli slid a hand through this shoulder-length hair as he let out a frustrated sigh. With the way things were going, he’d end up going mad in two days. Kyle wasn’t giving him an inch, and Nikoli was running out of time.
Kyle paced his bedroom while wringing his hands. Nikoli wanted answers, and he deserved them. Kyle just wasn’t ready to talk. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to.
“But he’s your mate. That means something.”
Kyle bit his thumbnail as he stopped in front of the window. Before him was a breathtaking view of the forest. Normally he could stand there and find comfort in the scene. He was an impala shifter. The woods were his home. But all he saw when he gazed out was his past. Dark, glooming, and terrifying. The longer he stood there staring, the more his heart raced.
Kyle covered his face. “I can’t do it. I want to, but I just can’t.” Thinking about what he’d gone through made him shake. Talking about it…not an option.
His hands slid down when a soft knock sounded on the door. It was probably Nikoli. Kyle was torn about what to do. He wanted to fling the door open and fall into his mate’s arms, but he also wanted to nail the door shut, making sure Nikoli never came near him again. Talk about being completely mental.
I just want to see you, my little impala. We don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. Kyle wasn’t comfortable with Nikoli’s ability to talk to him mentally. Things were already scrambled enough in his head. Wait. If his mate could talk to him like that, could the guy see his thoughts? Kyle tried to empty his mind, but that was like trying to clear out New York traffic in under a minute. Things were too congested, and the task was too impossible.
He couldn’t keep avoiding Nikoli. The man wasn’t going to allow Kyle to push him away. “Fine, come in,” he called toward the door.
Kyle started to sit on his bed and thought better of it. He didn’t want to give Nikoli the wrong idea. He wandered back to the window and crossed his arms…and then uncrossed them, leaving them hanging at his sides.
“I just wanted to check on you.”
“You’re persistent.” Kyle stared at the handsome man, fighting against the need to run to him. He just wanted someone in his corner, someone who could take away his nightmares. He was best friends with Morgan, but the guy had been dealing with his own problems.
Kyle had never wanted to add to Morgan’s already full plate, so he’d never told his friend exactly what he was running from. Besides, Kyle never talked about it. Ever. Some things were best left buried.
Only now Nikoli was trying to dig into Kyle’s past, and Kyle couldn’t let that happen. His past was filled with so much evil and torture that Kyle was terrified that if he unburied those memories, his mind just might break.
“When you’ve lived for two thousand years, finding your chosen one is something you can’t easily dismiss.” Nikoli closed the door behind him and tucked his hands into his front pockets. “I’ll continue to be persistent until I’ve claimed you.”
Kyle’s jaw dropped. Did Nikoli just say that he was two thousand years old? Had Kyle heard him right? “Talk about dating a much older guy.”
Nikoli shrugged. “I’m sure it won’t be a problem. I don’t look that old, do I?”
Oh, Nikoli was definitely charming. That smile he gave Kyle made Kyle’s cock jerk and his heart pick up in beats. The man was devilishly handsome, and his smile made him only more gorgeous.
Kyle snorted, ignoring his body’s reaction to Nikoli’s charms. “Honey, for your age, you look fantastic.” His eyes bugged when Nikoli blushed. The guy didn’t seem the type. The red hue was absolutely adorable and made Kyle’s guard slip slightly. It would be so easy to give in to Nikoli. Kyle couldn’t, but it would be easy.
Nikoli gave a slight nod of his head, his smile still lingering on his soft lips. Kyle’s lips tingled as he remembered their kiss in the kitchen, and he wanted more. “Your compliment is most appreciated.”
“Who are you kidding?” Kyle asked. “You know damn well you look good.”
“And so do you.”
Kyle’s smile faded. He didn’t like anyone pointing that fact out. Kirk—the man he was running from—used to do everything he could to hide Kyle’s good looks and… Kyle slammed the door on those thoughts. He looked down at the floor and fought the tears that threatened to fall.
“So what’s going to happen when the meeting is over?” Kyle’s head shot up. He stared at his mate. “Aren’t you supposed to be at that meeting?” Although Kyle had no clue what it was about and honestly didn’t care.
“Nazaryth will fill me in. He knows I am pursuing my zaterio and that nothing will keep me from you.” The man was still flushed. Which meant he was still supernaturally horny. Kyle kinda felt sorry for the guy and would have taken pity on him, if sex with Nikoli wouldn’t result in them being bound for life.
If it had been a simple itch to relieve, hell yeah Kyle would’ve slept with the guy. He had a feeling that Nikoli could burn the sheets up. Kyle’s body hardened at the thought. “But what happens after the meeting?” He had to focus on something else before he threw himself at the guy.
Nikoli furrowed his brows. “I’m not sure I understand the question. You’ll have to be a little clearer.”
Kyle couldn’t believe that he had to spell it out. “I know you’re not just gonna walk away and leave me here. You haven’t let me be for the past hour.”
The side of Nikoli’s mouth curled into a half-smile. “Are you asking if I’m taking you home?”
“Give the man a prize.”
“You have a wicked tongue. How wicked remains to be seen.” Nikoli took a step toward Kyle and then stopped. He looked as if he was struggling with what to do. Kyle watched as Nikoli pressed the palm of his hand against the large bulge trapped behind his zipper, wincing as he grunted.
“Does it hurt?” Kyle waved toward his mate. “To be in heat like that.”
“Pour gasoline over yourself and then light a match.” Nikoli closed his eyes for a brief second, exhaling raggedly. “It’s no walk in the park.”
Kyle moved a little closer. He felt the sexual spark between them. He stared up into Nikoli’s perfect brown eyes for a moment, and then his gaze dropped to those kissable lips. Kyle wanted to feel Nikoli’s beard scratched across his face. He wanted to taste the man. He wanted to be wrapped in Nikoli’s arms as the two kissed until they couldn’t breathe.
“I want to kiss you again.” Nikoli leaned in, just a fraction, and Kyle felt his mate’s warm breath skitter across his lips. He wasn’t sure if he was thankful or irritated when Morgan walked into Kyle’s bedroom. Kyle pulled back and cleared his throat. Nikoli narrowed his eyes but backed away.
“Uh, sorry to interrupt,” Morgan said as he stared between the two. “But the gang is ready to go.”
“Pack your bags,” Nikoli said to Kyle before he headed out of the room.
Kyle was half expecting Nikoli to fly him to wherever they were going. That would have been thrilling. Instead, he sat in the backseat of a Hummer as they drove down the long stretch of highway. The entire ride he felt Nikoli’s body heat, and it scorched his skin. Their arms and legs were lined up, and Kyle was sweating badly just sitting next to the guy.
He also noticed how hard Nikoli was. The bulge in the front of his pants was noticeable. If there hadn’t been another man sitting on the other side of him, Kyle might have been tempted to run his hand over the impression length.
After their almost-kiss in the bedroom, Kyle was still on edge. Nikoli wasn’t the only one with a hard cock, and feeling Nikoli’s heat, his
closeness in the backseat, made Kyle squirm.
Thankful that they finally stopped, Kyle looked around. They were on the side of a mountain, sitting in front of a dilapidated hangar. He became uneasy as he looked around. This wasn’t right. “Is this some kind of joke?”
“Just wait,” Morgan said from the front passenger seat. “This’ll blow your mind.”
Kyle watched as Nazaryth opened the hangar with a remote. There shouldn’t have been any electricity in the place. But that wasn’t what had his jaw dropping. It was the line of shiny motorcycles lining one wall, another Hummer, and a fancy-looking sports car.
They exited the Hummer, and he watched as Nazaryth opened an electrical box with wires hanging out. Inside, there was a keypad. When Nazaryth punched in the code, the side of the wall slid open.
Mind sufficiently blown.
It all felt so James Bond. Kyle was curious to see where those steps led.
And then his mind was blow away again when he stepped into a spacious living room with a leather sectional, a large-screen television, and a wall of monitors. They were in a castle, yet it looked modern as hell.
“Have I stepped into another dimension?” Kyle glanced around at the marble flooring, the tapestries on the walls, and the balcony. He started toward the balcony, but Nikoli grabbed his arm and nodded toward a hallway.
“Let’s get you settled first.”
He followed Nikoli. All along the hallway were ornately carved doors with strange symbols. Kyle stopped and walked to the closest door, staring at the carvings.
“They’re spells Nazaryth placed on this mountain to keep anyone from finding us,” Nikoli explained. “Each door in the castle is carved this way.”
“What does it say?” Kyle glanced over his shoulder, and his cock jerked. Nikoli stared at him in such a way that couldn’t be interpreted as anything but raw need.
Nikoli’s fingers traced over the dark wood. “Roughly translated, it says stay the hell away.”