Demon Warriors 2: Snooke Page 12
Snooke stared at Hondo as he walked out of the kitchen. The hairs on the back of his neck stood as the warrior took a seat in the chair. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something was off about him.
“I’m going to make something to eat. You guys wanted to join me?” Snooke grabbed Chris’s and Dillon’s elbows, tugging at them as he rose from the couch.
“Sure.” Dillon glanced up at Snooke, wariness in his eyes. So the human caught his undertone. Snooke was impressed with Dillon but didn’t have time to praise him. The three walked into the kitchen, Snooke immediately spinning around. “That’s not Hondo.”
“What?” Chris stared at him like he had two heads. “I think I should know who my mate is.”
Snooke shook his head as he started for the back door. “I can’t explain it. It’s just a feeling I’m getting. We need to get out of here.”
“Feet don’t fail me now,” Dillon said as he ran to the back door.
“What the hell are you waiting on, Chris?” he asked over his shoulder.
Chris looked back at the living room and then at the two men waiting impatiently at the door for him. “Fine.” He walked across the kitchen and followed them into the backyard. “Now what?”
Snooke bit his nail as his brain spun around, trying to think of somewhere they could go. They couldn’t get into the warriors’ apartment building, not without a warrior taking them in. That idea was out of the question. The only one they could ask was Hondo. Talk about defeating the purpose.
“Why don’t you run and find Kane?” Snooke suggested. It would be a lot faster if Chris ran for help. With his super-speed, they’d have an army here in no time.
“I wouldn’t know where to look.”
Snooke noticed Dillon take a step back from Chris. His eyes darted to Snooke, and they were trying to convey some sort of message.
“Get the fuck away from them.” Hondo’s arm flung out, and his hand glowed fiery red before a large flame left his hand and headed straight for Chris.
Dillon jumped out of the way, crashing into Snooke as they tumbled backward. “That’s not Chris. That’s not Chris,” Dillon shouted.
Snooke rolled to his feet and then grabbed Dillon by the arm, pulling him along as he ran into the house. “So where the hell is Chris?”
“Up here.”
Snooke’s head shot up to see Chris standing at the top of the steps. “Hondo told me to hide up here when the fake me showed up.”
“What in god’s name is going on in this place?” Dillon asked.
So that’s why Hondo seemed a little off to Snooke. He was waiting to see what the fake Chris was going to do. Could have warned a brother. Damn.
Hondo stormed through the living room and up the stairs, hauling Chris into his arms.
“How do we know it’s you?” Dillon asked. “You could be the impersonator.”
Hondo held a hand out, letting it ignite.
“Parlor tricks. Show Chris your cock, a guy knows.”
Snooke stared open mouthed at the human as Chris giggled. “It’s Hondo. I’d know my man anywhere.”
“You better,” Dillon mumbled. “I don’t want my brain eaten.”
“We don’t eat brains.” Snooke shook his head. “Where is ‘Chris’ now?”
“He may not have Chris’s super-speed, but the fucker was fast. He tore off down the side of the house and was gone. It seems he couldn’t stand the heat so he got out of the kitchen.”
Snooke knew they needed to catch this thing before it caused some serious damage imitating someone. First, they had to find out what it was.
Kane ended up at the lake. His walking slowed when he spotted the large troll on his back. As he approached the mass, he also spotted another person lying twenty feet away. By the looks of it, the troll was a shell now, but the other was dead. His limbs were twisted in a way that wasn’t meant for them to be.
“Damn it,” Takeo whispered. “He shouldn’t have died like this.”
Kane placed his hands on his hips, his head falling back as he stared up at the starry sky. It was getting insane around here. He felt the need clawing at him to take Snooke and run as far as he could, as fast as he could. “Can you handle this? I need to get back to Snooke.”
Takeo nodded as he walked over to the bodies.
Snooke rolled over, staring into Kane’s beautiful brown eyes. How had he gotten so damn lucky? “I love you.” He smiled up at Kane as he scooted up the bed and then rested his head on Kane’s bare chest, listening to the strong heartbeat under his ear. Powerful arms wrapped around him, making him feel safe and warm.
“Love you, too, shorty.” Kane kissed the top of his head. Snooke traced his fingernails over Kane’s massive chest, wondering if life could get any better than this.
Marino held the crystal up, staring at the reflective glass as a wide grin crossed his face. “I will learn your secrets, my beauty.”
Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.
You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.
Also by Lynn Hagen
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 1: Maverick’s Mate
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 2: Hawk’s Pretty Baby
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 3: Sunshine’s Savior
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 4: Remi’s Pup
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 5: Stormy Eyes
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 6: Oliver’s Heart
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 7: Keata’s Promise
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 8: George’s Turn
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 9: Loco’s Love
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 10: Lewis’s Dream
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 11: Mark’s Not Gay
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 12: Nutter Nero
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 13: Heaven’s Hell
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 14: Nicholas’s Wolf
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 15: Murphy’s Madness
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 16: Montana’s Vamp
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 17: Carter’s Tryck
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 18: Joshua’s Law
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 19: Dagon’s Ride
Ménage Everlasting ManLove: Zeus’s Pack 1: Jasper
Ménage Everlasting ManLove: Zeus’s Pack 2: Avanti
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Demon Warriors 1: Hondo
Available at
Siren Publishing, Inc.